The Linas group is situated in the north-western part of the province of Cagliari. It represents one of the largest mountain range on the island. The canyons are of great interest, crossed by torrents that form different groups of falls. Great
woodland covers the whole area. We suggest some of the most beautiful excursions towards Piscina Irgas through the rio Oridda gorge, on the way to the Muru Mannu falls.
The Monte Linas Massif
Just a short distance from the Hotel, set in an unspoiled natural environment, is a vast stretch of forest; passing along attractive silent pathways, through deep gullies and ilex groves, you come to the plain of Oridda, the Muru Mannu waterfall and Punta Magusu.Amongst the numerous excursions possible, we propose three itineraries:
S’Ega Sitzoris Waterfalls
The route winds along “Gutturu Derettu”starting from the old Winery at Biddascema; at the first turnoff, where the path is marked by a barrier, choose the left-hand fork.
The cart track on the right of the river, recently repaired, will bring you to Porta Lada and Genna Farracesus, the borderline between Villacidro and Gonnosfanadiga.
Still following the river along the old track on the left, you will see the meeting point of the two torrents, Rio Gutturu and Rio S’ega Sitzoris. Passing through a thick wood of ilex, juniper, phillyrea, lentisk and strawberry trees, you come to the ford and, along a path through the granite rocks and pools of water, you cross to the right hand bank. During this trip, you will come across old ruins of huts and animal sheds, and will then reach the intersection of the “Su Pressiu”canal, under the peaks of Genna Magusu and Maguseddu (992 m asl). In this corner of the forest, amongst the most difficult to access of the whole area, you can admire deep gullies of breathtaking beauty, dozens of large and small waterfalls, majestic pinnacles and granite peaks, steep cliffs and channels clothed in lush plant life. Spring is without a doubt the best time for a visit to this area.
Departure: Old Winery
Arrival: S’ega Sitzoris waterfall
Duration: 5/6 hours
Difficulty: E/EE
Upward slope: 356 m
Piscina Irgas
To reach the waterfall, follow the path crossing Rio Cannisoni and you will find yourselves in a thick ilex grove where, for some stretches, you can admire the slopes of Punta Magusu (1023 m asl) and Punta Acqua Zinnigas (1136 m asl). As you gradually climb the slope towards the waterfall, you will find narrow passages, great granite masses and small ponds hidden in lush vegetation.
Some stretches of the route are equipped with steps and handrails and look over splendid views towards the highest peaks of the Mountain Chain. Having visited the waterfall, you can retrace your steps by the side of the torrent running through a rocky gulley, wild and appealing, marked by small ponds and tiny waterfalls.
Paths: C.A.I. (Ital. Alpine Club) 107-108
Departure: Ferraris Winery (367 m)
Arrival: Piscin’Irgas Waterfalls
Duration: 4 hours
Difficulty: E/EE
Upward slope: 324 m
Muru Mannu
A well-indicated path leads to the Murru Mannu waterfall, one of the most striking in the area and the highest in Sardinia. You walk through a thick ilex wood following the course of the Rio Cannisoni; this excursion is pleasant and varied. As you proceed, the path leads you down towards the river bed which you will ford several times.
After passing a huge boulder, you will find the waterfall set between high rocky walls: its imposing 72 m in height causes strong emotions. If you decide to follow a slightly more difficult stretch, you can visit the nearby waterfall of “Sa Spendula e Linas”. The natural backdrop, harsh and isolated, is marked by imposing rocky formations offering trippers some splendid views; a varied and very interesting excursion. We suggest you attempt it in springtime, when the rivers are in spate and nature reveals all its glory.
Paths: C.A.I. 109
Departure: Ferraris Winery (367 m)
Arrival: Muru Mannu Waterfalls
Duration: 4 hours
Difficulty: E
Upward slope: 141 m