Curative effects
The cures’ program includes 24 consecutive applications, Sundays excluded (one catheterization and one aerosol once a day). The rhinogenous deafness represents a particular form of hypacusia (reduction of the auditory ability) consequent of such pathologies as serous otitis and catarrhal, chronic tubal obstructions and catarrhal duct-tympanitis, moreover the chronic illness of the primary respiratory tract (chronic catarrhal rhinitis, sinusitis etc), that can give negative consequences on the auditory functions.
Used methods
The used methods:
- endotympanic insufflation: it consists in introducing in middle ear thermal micronized water and gases dissolved in it, with the purpose of ventilate the cable of the eardrum and to favour the resolution of catarrhal component responsible of so-called “rhinogenous deafness”. Since such manoeuvre is rather delicate, it is exclusively carried out by a physician expert in medical hydrology or in otorhinolaryngology.
- balneotherapic politzer: this method uses physiological mechanisms of ventilation of tympanic tube to make gases dissolved in the thermal water reach to larynx, tube and tympanic cavity. The employment of Politzer method, in alternative to the endo-tympanic insufflation, is very indicated for the children when it is difficult to practise the Insufflation through catheterization.