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Physiotherapy Cures

Massages and manipulations

The different cures’ programs includes 12 consecutive applications (once every day).It is possible to practise more programs simultaneously. The physiotherapy treatments combined with the thermal cures, expound a notable synergistic activity.

The used methods:

  • mobilizations
  • manipulations
  • cervical tractions
  • hemo-lymph drainage

Electrotherapy methods

The different cures’ programs includes 12 consecutive applications (once every day).It is possible to practise more programs simultaneously. The physiotherapy treatments combined with the thermal cures, expound a notable synergistic activity.
The used methods:

  • laser therapy
  • electrophoresis
  • radar therapy
  • ultrasounds
  • dia-dynamic therapy


Motor Rehabilitation
The object is the recovery or at least the functional improvement of articulations, muscular tone and coenesthesis.
The used methods:

  • rehabilitation in thermal swimming pool
  • thermal hydro-massage
  • mobilizations
  • manipulations
  • kinesitherapy
  • medical gymnastics
  • gym
  • “distance of life”

The gymnastics in its different forms (rehabilitative, soft, stretching, etc.), followed by specialized personal and effected in gym or on the open air, the program “Distance of Life”, integrate the cures and favor the recovery of the physical form.

Respiratory Rehabilitation

Its objective is the recovery or the improvement of the respiratory function by the influence on the bronchial tree and on the intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms of the respiratory dynamic.
The used methods:

  • assisted pulmonary ventilation
  • postural drain
  • expectorant vibropercussion
  • re-educational respiratory gymnastics


Vascular Rehabilitation

The objective is the improvement of the blood arterial and venous flows by the fighting the dystrophic phenomenon of the bad tissue enrichment, typical of the vascular pathologies.

The cures’ indications:

  • peripheral arteriopathy
  • superficial venous insufficiency
  • post-phlebitis syndrome
  • lymphedema

The used methods:

  • thermal hydro-massage
  • oxygenated thermal bath
  • thermal swimming pool
  • press-therapy
  • hemo-lymphdrainage